The IEPA code ILG62 became effective Jan. 1 2014 Any discharge from a wastewater treatment that may end up in the waters of the United States requires an an NPDES permit.
Relax it’s not the end of the world!
We should not be dumping untreated wastewater onto the ground anyway. Where do you think a lot of this discharged water ends up. The soil has to filter it the best it can and then it ends up in our underground aquifers and into our wells. Today there are many alternative wastewater treatment & water recycling systems available to discharge completely safe and clean water as to not affect our drinking water or the public health. Surface discharge should always be the last option. If it is necessary we have the knowledge, resources and our equipped for any situation we encounter. If you wish to download the permit requirements please visit our download page. We install the BioMicrobics FAST unit and the Sybr-Aer as well as the Ecoflo coco filter which falls under the aerobic guidelines without actually having any of the components found in a traditional Aerobic unit. Please visit our services page for more information on these systems.
What should you know about an Aerobic Wastewater Treatment System?
This type of system is often referred to as a mechanical wastewater treatment plant, which breaks down solids and treats the human and organic wastes with air pressure (oxygen). The system produces effluent that should be colorless and odorless after treatment. All Aerobic units have to pass an NSF 40 standards test and the State and most counties will allow for a reduction in the amount of absorption trenches by one third. With the new code change they also are allowed to be installed one foot above the limiting layer which most of the times is the seasonal high water table.
Why is it important to keep a Wastewater Treatment System functioning properly?
The bacterial process that is taking place in your yard is important because it will help protect the water supply from contamination and also help control diseases and nuisances that may result from improperly treated sewage. These systems are efficient in treating sewage wastes when properly maintained. The State mandates each Aerobic unit will have a two-year service contract upon installation, and Zeiter’s strongly recommend you continue an ongoing service contract. We service all of the systems we install and any other Aerobic units that exist today and can provide you with choices and options available for each type..
Disinfection Systems, Chlorine and UV.
All aerobic treatment systems which discharge above the ground surface are equipped with disinfection devices that are designed to kill any microorganisms that may have survived and made it through the entire treatment process. The most common type of disinfection device is the erosion feed calcium hypochlorite disinfection system with a chlorine contact chamber. The device has vertical tubes, which connect with the horizontal discharge pipe using an inverted “T” at the bottom. Chlorine tablets are stacked inside these tubes. Effluent traveling through the discharge pipe dissolves some of the chlorine tablet at the bottom eroding it. The resulting wastewater/chlorine solution passes from the discharge pipe to the chlorine contact chamber, where it is retained long enough to kill the microorganisms. The main thing a homeowner needs to remember about the disinfection system is that chlorine tablet tubes needs to be refilled periodically. How often depends on the water consumption habits of the people using the system. UV lights have become very popular as of 2015 and we are seeing positive results from sampling. Salcor is a very popular brand, many of the Aerobic models have there own version of UV.
What to do to keep your Aerobic Wastewater Treatment System functioning properly?
- Maintain a service contract for annual routine check-ups with your licensed manufacturer’s representative.
- Conserve water to avoid overloading the wastewater system. For example, do not do more than two -three loads of laundry at a time. Try to do a few loads in the morning and if necessary a load or two at night. Use liquid detergents low in phosphate. Check for toilets, sinks or any plumbing leaks within your home or business periodically.
- Do not flush chemicals such as paints, varnishes, thinners, waste oils, photographic solutions or pesticides into your sinks and toilets. Do not flush coffee grounds, dental floss, disposable diapers, kitty litter, sanitary napkins, tampons, cigarette butts, condoms, gauze bandages, fat, grease, oil or paper towels into sinks and toilets.
- If your unit is equipped with a chlorinator, check monthly that the chlorine container has the proper chlorine levels. Most of the time when customers get a bad effluent sample (Will County) it is because they have no chlorine in the contact chamber. If you have a UV disinfectant make sure the bulb is changed yearly, keep a service contract in effect at all times.
- Keep your system accessible for inspections and pumping. Keep written records of your aerobic treatment system including a drawing of where it is located on your property, your contract service agreement, and records of service visits and maintenance performed. If you are a customer of ours we do this for you.