About Us

Zeiter’s Septics, Inc.

We are a full service septic and drain cleaning company serving the Will, Grundy, Kendall, Kankakee, Dupage, DeKalb, LaSalle, Livingston, Lee, Kane, Cook & Bureau Counties. We are located at 2400 N. Route 47 in Morris Il.  This location is a center point to all of the counties we serve. We have easy access to all of the major highways which is important to us because we are a service based company serving twelve counties. This allows us to get our crews to a job site quickly.

We install and repair all types of septic systems, from the conventional gravel field, or the gravelless chamber system to today’s mechanical systems, which are miniature sewage treatment plants for the home or business. We also do lift stations, jetting, rodding, pump tanks, TV camera inspections, and site clearing. Most people do not realize that we are one of the area’s largest drain cleaning companies. We can clean a kitchen sink line as well as the septic line or sewer lateral – even roadway culverts!

Principles of Our Work

  • We attribute our success to the one-on-one approach of a small family owned business.
  • All of our staff can answer any of your questions and get you headed in the right direction.
  • All of our technicians are cross trained so they are capable of performing any job in our line of work.
  • Modern equipment and technology make the difference.
  • It is a great sense of accomplishment to be involved with projects that are providing more jobs to the local communities.
  • We have the personnel, equipment, and knowledge that a full service septic & drain cleaning company should have.
  • Bottom Line! We want your business, and we will work hard to keep it.

Our  Experience

You could say we are high-tech, but old school. We have staff that answers your calls Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.  They are extensively trained, knowledgeable, and professional!  Sarah, Tina, and Gabe can make you feel welcome and answer any and all of your questions. Our office keeps in contact with our technicians in the field throughout the day via smartphones. We have GPS on all of our vehicles that allows us to dispatch the closest technician to your site. We can send out work orders with directions and one touch calling to the customer to keep them moving safely and efficiently.
  • Commercial – Residential – Industrial
  • Septic Tank Cleaning, Holding Tanks, Manholes, Catch Basins, etc.
  • Lift Stations, Simplex & Duplex with 2 Year Warranty On Pumps
  • Computer Generated Reminder Notices
  • Drain Cleaning Professionals using High Pressure Water Jetting & Cable Rodders
  • TV Camera Underground Video Inspections with Web Portal viewing, USB Recordable
  • New Installation & Repairs
  • Septic Consultant & Designs
  • Specializing in Alternative Waste Water Systems Raised Filter Beds & LLP (Low Pressure Piping)
  • Sump Pumps & Ejector Pumps Installed
  • Military & Senior Discounts
  • Terralift Procedure



The Ballengers


Zeiter’s Septics, Inc. is owned and operated by Gabe & Cody Ballenger. We attribute our success to the one-on-one approach of a small family owned business. Gabe & Cody personally oversee all aspects of the business, along with designing and installing onsite wastewater treatment systems.

We are members of OWPI (Onsite Wastewater Professionals of Illinois) NORWA (National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association), NAWT (National Association of Wastewater Transporters) please visit our Links page for more information. We have been a member of the SSHBA (Southwest Home Builders Association) for many years. We are also a Board Member for OWPI to represent region 7 in Illinois.

Core Team


Tina Childress: Office Executive, Tammy Zeiter: Previous Owner, Gabe Ballenger: Owner/Licensed Installer, Sarah Lee: Office Manager

Each member of the ZSI office team is trained and exceptionally knowledgeable about all types of septic systems. They can assist you in trouble shooting, advise you of warning signs, and get you headed in the right direction whether it be scheduling a tank cleaning, jet, or site inspection to further diagnose the issue. Our team can also guide you through the septic permitting process through the local health department for both new construction and repairs for residential, industrial, or commercial projects. Not to mention, they can help you choose the right service contract for your system and provide you with recommendations on how to prolong the life of your septic system. For any of your septic questions, call Tina, Sarah, or Gabe at 815-942-2829.


Our field crew includes the owner, Cody, in addition to our Foreman, Jim and our technicians, Tim, Niko, and Drew.

Each are capable of handling any project they come across. Jim, Tim, and Cody do most of the onsite wastewater treatment installations and all have their Private Sewage Installation Licenses. All of our technicians are cross trained, so they are capable of performing any job in our line of work. All of our employees are licensed with the State of Illinois and the local counties for installing and/or pumping & transporting wastewater. All our employees are Three Rivers Certified and carry T.W.I.C. cards. They are also certified for confined space entry as well as have local training at all of the industrial facilities that we service. See contractors page.